EP58 – God Cares, But this Life is a Vapor

[This episode has Amy Alderman, Hayne Griffin, Jed Payne and Joey Svendsen in it] Is pledging allegiance to a flag weird or even creepy? If one believes in hell, is it kind of psycho to make jokes about people going there? Just how much does God intervene in the affairs of humanity and work on behalf of people’s prayers? And if God intervenes in more important “life or death” matters, why does God only stop a few? These questions discussed and no answers were establish…

EP57 – Generation X Parenting, Triggers and Sex Culture Gone Wild

[This episode has: Amy Alderman, Hayne Griffin, Stoy Prioleau, and Joey Svendsen] Amy’s husband goes by “Dick.” After getting through some jokes and reverting back to being middle school kids, three “Gen-X-ers” talk parenting, including differing opinions on tough love, the prospect of out-living one’s child and what age-appropriate discipline may look like. Are we now raising a soft generation? Stoy gives updates on his “NBA bound” son and the four reflect on teen suicide a…

EP56 – God Still Mad at You, Bro?

[This episode has Robbie Madison, Jed Payne and Joey Svendsen in it] Feels like a chill time of encouragement amongst three friends, like it’s a church small group. Robbie sheds some light on the fallacy that “only good things should happen because of God,” Jed still struggles with the concept of a “tit for tat” God, and Joey tries to encourage Jed with his own journey along the same lines after he shuts up about a recent UFO sighting of his. E-mail the PWNA team here. Theme Song by …

EP55 – Books Are Awesome. Depression is Not.

On this episode, Joey goes through his favorite books of 2024 and shares an episode he put together on a different podcast in which he crammed his whole mental health crisis story of 2019 into a 45-minute episode (quite the feat, hell to the yeah). Special thanks to John Mark McMillan for narrating this one. Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air) Be a Patron / Tip the Host (Venmo)

EP54 – Does Santa and Elaborate Gift-Giving Conflict with The Gospel?

[Produced by Hayne Griffin, this episode has Hayne, Robbie Madison and Joey Svendsen] Christmas Playlist Apple Music I Spotify For the final episode of the year, Hayne rounds Joey and Robbie up for some Christmas talk, picking up where they left off last year in “Baby, It’s Cold Outside (EP13),” the last episode these three talked Christmas for an hour. Today they talk whether or not the brilliance of the movie Four Christmases is all due to Vince Vaughn’s humor.&nb…

EP53 – Have A Merry, Kratom, Furry Christmas (w/ no Kidney Stones)

[This episode is with Amy Alderman, Matt Oxley, Jed Payne, Joey Svendsen] Joey had a kidney stone that worked through him like clockwork. It made him very happy. Jed educates everyone on Kratom. Matt, Jed and Amy school Joey on the true definition of a “furry,” and Amy doesn’t think any one belongs with a tail, even if they are looking for belonging. Be a Patron / Tip the Host (Venmo) E-mail the PWNA team here. Theme Song by Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Roc): Apple Music …

EP52 – “Youth Group Days” [PART 3]: Racism, Divorce and Carman Died

[This episode is Joey Svendsen joined by five friends from his youth group days: Jon Bazzle, Gail Santavicca, Billy Jones, Mike Colon, Penny Sharp, and B.J. Slotkin] Part 1 can be listened to here or viewed on YouTube. Part 2 can be listened to here. Joey, Jon, Gail, and Billy have talked twice and now they (and you) get to hear from some of their friends from youth group, peers who’ve listened in on those other episodes. Mike Colon, one of Joey’s best friends in high sch…

EP51 – WWTD (What Will Trump Do): Post Election Talky-Talk

[This Episode’s crew: Stoy Prioleau, Joey Svendsen, Ellen Mauro, Hayne Griffin] Stoy and Joey have lost all hope in the government, not voting for any presidential candidate, Hayne and Ellen didn’t get the results they wanted, it affected Ellen deeply. Joey feels guilty about his emotional-less relationship with politics, recognizing his privilege likely plays a part in this. Ellen is frustrated with compassionate people who don’t vote, like Joey and Stoy and fears the worst with this second…

EP50 – The Old Youth Group Crew (Part 2): The Good, the Bad. The Hurt, the Beauty.

[This episode was produced by Joey Svendsen and is joined by three friends from Joey’s youth group days: Jon Bazzle, Gail Santavicca, and Billy Jones] Part 1 can be listened to or viewed on YouTube. Joey shares how his “pure lifestyle” was celebrated amongst parents of other kids in youth group while inside, he felt overburdened by a never- ending, dark spiritual season, years on end. Jon wants to know what Joey actually cherishes from the old youth group days, Billy concurs that the guilt…

EP49- “Firefighter Hayne” (Part 2): God, Suffering, Natural Disasters

[Produced by Stoy Prioleau, with Hayne, Stoy, Amy and Joey] On Part 1 of this conversation, “Firefighter Hayne, Doing the Lord’s Work in Ravaged North Carolina,” listeners heard stories of Helene’s destruction in Western North Carolina through the personal story of our firefighting friend, Hayne Griffin, recounting that dreadful night that took his whole community by surprise. As the conversation carried on during the recording, the hosts got into some theology about God and prayer, in…