EP45 – Could Some of These Televangelists Be Demon-Possessed?
[This episode, produced by Joey Svendsen, has Ellen Mauro, Jed Payne, Joey Svendsen, and special guest and original host to the show, Jared Svendsen]Televangelists like Kenneth Copeland’s behavior don’t appear reflective of God by any means, and it certainly seems as if people are being led astray by the sort of prosperity gospel teaching he espouses. However, there seems to be more to Mr. Copeland’s story and it’s difficult ruling out just plain ‘ol evil. Thus, Ellen, Jed, Jared …
EP44 – A “PWNA Time Machine,” Eight Years Ago Before Donald Trump was Elected as President
This episode was originally recorded in July of 2016, shortly after Donald Trump became the Republican Party’s presidential candidate. Little did we know at the time of this conversation, that in 5 short months, he would be the next president of the United States of America. [show-notes from episode 40] We talk to non-trump supporter Jack Hoey (the father) and Trump-Supporter, Kerry Haplin about how Trump pulled off the miracle of being a frontrunner in the presidentia…
EP43 – Grand Theft Auto and Calling Women “Karens”
[This episode with Amy Alderman, Matt Oxley, Stoy Prioleau and Joey Svendsen was produced by Joey Svendsen]The host crew talk morals and parenting in the context of “Grand Theft Auto,” a video game not allowed in the Svendsen household, in which the player goes around society committing egregious crimes for pure entertainment. Joey explains his disdain for the “Karen” label and believes it exposes some of the deeper roots of what’s wrong with the current “judgmental state” of today’s society….
EP42 – Depressing Journal Entries & Trying to Stop Your Friend From Being a Witch
[This episode is produced by Joey Svendsen, having contributions from Ellen Mauro, Robbie Madison, Amy Alderman, Joey Svendsen, Jared Svendsen, Stoy Prioleau, and Michael Sweet, courtesy of Seacoast Podcast]Check out Robbie’s single “Lost My Best Friend” / Spotify / Apple A lot is on the table for this one. From a discussion on the rapid transition of the 1980s glam metal scene, to a complete Seattle Grunge-takeover in the early 1990s, to a reading of journal entries about my (Joey) men…
How to Be a Sports Fanatic and Not Want to Die Every Time Your Team Loses
[This episode is with hosts Stoy Prioleau, Joey Svendsen and “fam” to the show, Heather Zastrocky & Dick Alderman. Produced by Joey Svendsen]Joey is all “grandpa softy” on this one, wanting everyone to learn how to enjoy the great world of sports without the torture from losses, including some “cheesy mush” about how the real fun of sports, is in being a fan of “your team.” Congrats to Joey on his newly found maturity. Amidst Joey’s “freedom talk” to sports fans is “favorite a…
EP40 – To Laugh or Not to Laugh: Comedians, the Modern-Day Prophet
[This episode with Joey Svendsen, Amy Alderman, Hayne Griffin, Robbie Madison, and Stoy Prioleau, was produced by Joey Svendsen]The three videos discussed in this episode can be found here: video, video 2, video 3.Some deep sharing on this episode, Hayne talks about the anger he lives with and Robbie shares how as a child he was discouraged from being proud of anything. The five talk about standup comedians, Hayne likening them to modern-day prophets, highlighting their importance in so…
EP39 – Parenting with Faith Struggles & Abusive Music Minister vs. Joey
[This episode is produced by Hayne Griffen and hosted by Joey Svendsen, Hayne Griffen, Robbie Madison, and Matt Oxley]Robbie became a father [thrice] recently and the four reflect on parenting in the context of faith, Joey sharing seasons in which he didn’t have the tools to guide his kids spiritually, given his own confusion and angst about the deeper things, at those points in his life. Joey also processes out loud a situation in which an adult with leadership position over one of his…
Talking to Your Son and Future Daughter-in-Law about Marriage (w/ Stoy Prioleau)
Stoy Prioleau, one of the hosts of the show was asked to conduct the wedding ceremony of his son, Darion Prioleau and daughter-in-law, Jyree Savoy. A step in this greater process is sitting down for a 1 on 2 to get a feel for the current climate of his kids’ relationship, assess their current expectations of a future together and offer any piece of advice or encouragement along the way. Well, the listenership gets to listen in because Stoy, Darion and Jyree agreed to “hit record.”With s…
EP37 – Please Stop Peeing on Our Jesus’ Gospel
[This episode is produced by Stoy Prioleau and hosted by Joey Svendsen, Amy Alderman, Ellen Mauro, Liz Miller]Birthed out of the discussion in “episode 36: generation z people, trans people and those gay olympic ceremonies,” in this episode, Joey shares how he posted some sentiments on that archaic social networking platform, Facebook, fairly certain the straight-forwardness of its message to fellow Christians in regards to Jesus’ radical message of love. Numerous comments on the …
EP36 – Generation Z People, Trans People, and that Gay Opening Olympics Ceremony
[This episode was recorded on August 1st, produced by Joey Svendsen, with hosts Matt Oxley, Stoy Prioleau and Joey Svendsen]Today, Matt educates us on the real story behind the “trans athlete” female boxer and the three discuss the opening ceremony and how many churches have lost their damn minds in how they interact with culture. Also part of the discussion entails positivity and the tension of having good friends who truly care and not wanting to burden these friends with personal bag…