Talking to Your Son and Future Daughter-in-Law about Marriage (w/ Stoy Prioleau)

Stoy Prioleau, one of the hosts of the show was asked to conduct the wedding ceremony of his son, Darion Prioleau and daughter-in-law, Jyree Savoy. A step in this greater process is sitting down for a 1 on 2 to get a feel for the current climate of his kids’ relationship, assess their current expectations of a future together and offer any piece of advice or encouragement along the way. Well, the listenership gets to listen in because Stoy, Darion and Jyree agreed to “hit record.” With…

EP37 – Please Stop Peeing on Our Jesus’ Gospel

[This episode is produced by Stoy Prioleau and hosted by Joey Svendsen, Amy Alderman, Ellen Mauro, Liz Miller] Birthed out of the discussion in “episode 36: generation z people, trans people and those gay olympic ceremonies,” in this episode, Joey shares how he posted some sentiments on that archaic social networking platform, Facebook, fairly certain the straight-forwardness of its message to fellow Christians in regards to Jesus’ radical message of love. Numerous comments on t…

EP36 – Generation Z People, Trans People, and that Gay Opening Olympics Ceremony

[This episode was recorded on August 1st, produced by Joey Svendsen, with hosts Matt Oxley, Stoy Prioleau and Joey Svendsen] Today, Matt educates us on the real story behind the “trans athlete” female boxer and the three discuss the opening ceremony and how many churches have lost their damn minds in how they interact with culture. Also part of the discussion entails positivity and the tension of having good friends who truly care and not wanting to burden these friends with personal b…

EP35 – Trip Down Memory Lane, Feels Like I’ve Found a New Religion

With newly added commentary, this is a re-airing of the first episode of Pastor With No Answers Podcast, “Can a Christian Be a Universalist?” (originally aired Oct 4th 2015). A question I was only dabbling in at the time, although was very optimistically suspicious, given what I’d already taken in of various books, including the Bible. Now, it’s hard for me to see it any other way. Just like many have faith in the Resurrection of Jesus, I have faith that all things tru…

EP34 – If The Assassination Was a Success

[Recorded on the evening of July 15 2024, in this episode: Joey Svendsen, Ellen Mauro, Matt Oxley, Stoy Prioleau] What does it say about the heart of a human being when one celebrates the demise of an enemy? Is that a deficiency of something one should be praying for God’s help about, or is such a celebration ever celebration-worthy? The crew discuss their thoughts on the assassination attempt to Donald Trump, bat around some conspiratorial considerations surrounding the de…

EP33 – Winning this Country Back For God

[Recorded on the evening of May 15 2024, in this episode: Joey Svendsen, Hayne Griffin, Robbie Madison, Matt Oxley] With “Firefighter Hayne” present, the host crew discuss some pretty intense emergency situations that Hayne was also present at while working his vocation as a rescue worker. Somehow the discussion shifts to everyones’ most fearful ways to die and whether the jumpers’ acts on 9/11 were suicides, even though they were going to die regardless. Great fun! But don’t f…

EP32 – Do You Get Excited When Famous People “join the team” of Christianity?

[in this episode: Joey Svendsen, Hayne Griffin, Jed Payne, Stoy Prioleau] British actor and comedian, Russell Brand, apparently converted to Christianity and this sort of thing makes Joey and Jed excited, while Hayne could not care any less than what he does about celebrities “joining the team.” All three consider themselves Christians and thus discuss the possible intricacies that explain their vastly different reactions, Joey dissecting his reaction in the context of his belief…

MINI #3 – Living By the Spirit Just May Be the Answer

Joey discusses how he feels the church is still way too focussed on the “letter of the law,” muddying the waters of love and holding the exact counterproductive beliefs the Apostle Paul warns against in his letter to the church in Galatia. If the church allowed Jesus’ words to reign supreme and took serious His command to love, Christianity would cease from being “just another religion of do’s and don’t’s” and be transformed back into a body known for a new way of life, sparked …

EP31: Worth Fighting for (w/ John Pavlovitz)

[This Episode: Hosts, Hayne Griffin, Matt Oxley, Joey Svendsen and guest, John Pavlovitz] Any one want more courage and compassion when cruelty is trending? Can we get an amen or two? With guest and author John Pavlovitz, we navigate themes of judgment, emotional reactions, and the delicate balance of maintaining hope within societal systems. Together, we uncover the transformative power of breaking down preconceived notions through genuine human connection. Navig…

EP30 – Can There Be Objective Morality Without a God?

[appearing on this episode: Joey Svendsen and guest, Amanda Udis-Kessler] Amanda Udis-Kessler PhD. wrote a book on ethics, Abundant Lives: A Progressive Christian Ethic of Flourishing. This book sets out to invite sociologically informed engagement in human well-being, based on Jesus’ command to love God and our neighbors. Talking through many facets of its content, Joey and Dr. Amanda discuss whether the resurrection of Jesus is an essential belief of Christian faith, if objecti…